Our training opportunities are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the 2SLGBTQI+ community and its allies. If your workplace wants to learn more about engaging with the 2SLGBTQI+ community as employees, with business opportunities or as an end customer, we have a number of courses and workshops to get you ready.
(course here – to be added during membership phase)
2S2SLGBTQI+ Diversity & Inclusion – Creating a Welcoming and Accessible Workplace
The CGLCC is pleased to introduce two new workshop training sessions. These can be a 2-part program or 2 separate sessions – there is no prerequisite, nor do companies have to complete both.
Workforce Session
A 90-minute session designed to start a conversation about 2S2SLGBTQI+ diversity and inclusion with your broader workforce. Included is a discussion of different terminology, gender diversity and pronouns, and what allyship in the workplace looks like.
- 2S2SLGBTQI+ Intro
- Gender Diversity
- Inclusion Considerations
- Inclusive Workplaces
- Getting Started: Next Steps
Management Session
A 90-minute session that focuses on how Management can support 2S2SLGBTQI+ inclusion within your organization/business. Included is a brief overview of relevant language and gender diversity, a discussion of the experiences of 2S2SLGBTQI+ workers, and suggested policies and practices to consider in supporting your inclusion efforts.
- 2S2SLGBTQI+ Intro
- Inclusion Considerations for Leadership
- Inclusive Policies & Practices
- Starting Your Journey
- Application Case Studies
To schedule a workshop for your group or for more information, please contact Connor McKiggan at