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Successful Conclusion of Historic Trade Mission to São Paulo, Brazil 

As the first all Queer business delegation from Canada, CGLCC organized a historic Trade Mission to São Paulo, Brazil, focusing on promoting businesses within the 2SLGBTQI+ community. 

With the support of the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) Canada, Câmara de Diversidade e Inclusão (Diversity and Inclusion Chamber), and in collaboration with the Canada Brazil Chamber of Commerce, the mission aimed to facilitate connections between Canadian 2SLGBTQI+ SMEs, global corporate partners, and allied business leaders in new markets, fostering collaboration and growth opportunities. 

This Mission, which took place from April 21 to April 26, 2024, provided our delegates an opportunity to leverage their supplier diversity status, and Canada’s reputation for high quality product and services delivery; as well as to explore the vast opportunities available for Canadian Businesses in South America’s largest economy. 

One of the highlights of the mission was the participation in the International Conference of Diversity organized by the Câmara de Diversidade e Inclusão. This conference provided a platform for discussions on diversity in the supply chain, with panels, lectures, and roundtable discussions focused on companies committed to fostering diversity and inclusion.  

CGLCC Founder and CEO Darrell Schuurman and two Canadian delegates participated in a panel discussion with the topic ‘Driving Economic Growth for LGBTQ Entrepreneurs’. According to Darrell, “the mission provided a platform for like-minded businesses and organizations to come together in a rich networking environment, fostering meaningful connections and partnerships.” 

The comprehensive agenda included a range of activities, from market briefings at the Canadian Consulate to networking opportunities presented in a round table hosted by the Canadian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. 

Feedback from previous Trade Missions underscores the value of such connections in forging valuable business relationships and accessing new markets; over the past year, CGLCC has embarked on successful trade missions to Denver, Colorado in 2023 followed by ventures to New York City, New York, and São Paulo, Brazil, in 2024. CGLCC will be soon setting off to Palm Springs, California.

Through collaboration with Global Affairs Canada and the Trade Commissioner’s Service, CGLCC has empowered and showcased over 40 LGBTQ delegates, facilitating more than 300 meetings and generating new business. In the case of Brazil in particular, there were more than 20 meetings and 50 new leads and useful connections. Many of the suppliers joined these trade missions after completing one of CGLCC’s re-launched and expanded Global Export Readiness Incubator Programs. 

Participants returned with valuable insights, new connections, and potential collaboration opportunities that will drive their businesses forward. The success of this inaugural Trade Mission underscores the importance of fostering diversity and inclusion in international trade and highlights the potential for future collaborations between Canada and Brazil. 

The CGLCC would like to thank partners Câmara de Diversidade e Inclusão, TCS, the Canada Brazil Chamber of Commerce, and Export Development Canada. For more information on future trade missions and opportunities for collaboration, stay tuned for updates from CGLCC’s Global Program. 

Read more about the Canadian delegation here: Trade Directory