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Growth Opportunities with CETA

The Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (CETA) is an excellent opportunity for Canadian companies to access the markets of 28 EU countries and the 500 million consumers under one of the most ambitious and progressive free trade agreements in the world today.

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is pleased to offer seminars to help Canadian companies learn more about expanding business linkages in Europe. Senior leaders from our embassies and consulates will be on hand to discuss CETA and business strategies for their markets in cities across Canada.

Forums will begin with a seminar on the opportunities that CETA provides for Canadian companies, as well as technical requirements that companies need to meet in order to take advantage of CETA’s preferential tariffs. Following the seminar, businesses will have the opportunity to have roundtable meetings with Trade Commissioners and experts on CETA to discuss business opportunities in the EU and find out how to benefit from:

  • Develop a first-hand understanding of the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the EU and foreign markets
  • Gain insights and market intelligence in the EU market
  • Meet key commercial entities, industry players, and potential buyers, investors and/or partners
  • Receive on-the-ground assistance from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

We would be delighted to welcome you or a representative from your organization any of these event. The events are open to companies from all industry sectors.

For more information on CETA  or to see the event details, as the evolve, please access the Trade Commissioner Service website.

Brought to you by the Trade Commissioner Service, Global Affairs Canada