This live virtual event is for suppliers who want to learn ‘How to do Business with the City of Toronto as a Diverse Supplier.
This hour-long webinar is an excellent way for entrepreneurs and diverse businesses to learn more about the City of Toronto and its procurement policies and procedures.
Alyssa Nienhuis is the Social Procurement Coordinator for the City of Toronto under the Purchasing and Materials Management Division (PMMD), where she facilitates the growth and operations of Toronto’s Social Procurement Program. Adopted by the City of Toronto in 2016, the Social Procurement Program is intended to address economic disadvantage, discrimination, and barriers to equal opportunity in the procurement process, particularly among equity-deserving communities. Alyssa has over 6 years’ experience in public sector purchasing practices and policy in the Purchasing and Materials Management Division. Prior to joining PMMD, Alyssa worked with Toronto Employment and Social Services, and also has experience in communications and marketing.
This event is presented in English only.