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Global 2SLGBTQI+ Business Summit & Supplier Diversity Forum 2022

Shining a Light on Our Economic Future Harness the economic power of inclusion by connecting with some of Canada’s leading businesses and changemakers. Join us for these two days in June, either in-person or by virtual presence, to meet over 300 like-minded individuals and businesses looking to level up their service and product offerings. Connect […]

Navigating 2SLGBTQI+ Diversity & Inclusion in the Tourism Industry – Webinar (Sept 14th, 2022)

The global 2SLGBTQI+ travel market is valued at more than US$200B annually. Canadian destinations are well positioned to grow their share of this market. But in order to be successful, destinations and operators must ensure that 2SLGBTQI+ customers feel welcome, accepted and are served in a way that exceeds their expectations and accommodates their needs. […]

Everything Government can do for your Business – all in one place.

September 14th at 1:00 pm ET Are you looking for government support for your business? Not sure where to start? Do you want to learn about funding programs to increase your digital footprint or support big R&D projects, or how to take advantage of crown-held IP? We can help. Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday, […]

Diverse Suppliers – ESG risks and opportunities

Being a diverse supplier helped open the door.  Now, strong ESG practices will help keep you in the supply chain.  Join us for an introduction to ESG – and to learn how Environmental, Social and Governance factors are playing an increasingly important role in procurement decisions.  Learn how corporate commitments targeting Net-Zero carbon emissions, human […]

Discussion Groups: Trans & BIPOC 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurs

New Project: Supporting Canada’s Most Marginalized Entrepreneurs The CGLCC is working on an equity-minded governance model that better enables 2SLGBTQI+ BIPOC and Trans entrepreneurs to have a more meaningful voice at the table. As part of this project, Ivy + Dean, a queer-owned consulting firm, will be facilitating consultations with Trans & BIPOC 2SLGBTQI+ people […]