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Storytelling and how it relates to Business Writing

Online SeminarTuesday, October 41:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST As humans, we use stories to understand and find meaning in things. Stories are how we make sense of a world. In a business context, we constantly need to make decisions or have others understand our way of thinking. This is why having a good understanding of […]

Navigating 2SLGBTQI+ Diversity & Inclusion in the Tourism Industry – Webinar (Oct 4th, 2022)

The global 2SLGBTQI+ travel market is valued at more than US$200B annually. Canadian destinations are well positioned to grow their share of this market. But in order to be successful, destinations and operators must ensure that 2SLGBTQI+ customers feel welcome, accepted and are served in a way that exceeds their expectations and accommodates their needs. […]